Experience Health Inc, Trisomy 21/Down syndrome (T21/Ds)
Education and help to enhance the lives of those with Trisomy 21/Down syndrome
Our Story
We've loved every minute of our journey...(Well, mostly)
Well, more like a child was born, with a surprise diagnosis of Trisomy 21!
I knew then that my life, both as a mother, but also as a doctor, would never be the same.
Finding solutions for Trisomy 21
I began an extensive and exhaustive internet search to find ways to help my son. I know from my previous work with autism and other neurological disorders, as well as working on methylation and other snp mutations, that SOMETHING could be done- but what?
Starting supplements.
Within a month after my son's birth, he was started on NuTriVene daily, fish oil, and a few of the PSC embryonic herbs to help his appetite, growth, adrenals and thyroid. I was also using essential oils to support his nervous and immune systems.
Facebook to the rescue!
After we had announced publicly our son's diagnosis, I got added to a few facebook groups. Many of them I removed myself from right away- as I could not bear to hear the conversation about how "there was nothing you could do for Ds". Finally I was introduced to the Trisomy 21 Research group. Here I was able to further my education in Ds biochemistry and ways to hack it, via the work of Dixie Lawrence. I also started donating my time daily, to helping other parents of children with T21/Ds.
Energetic Testing to Enhance and Customize TNI
As a highly skilled Applied Kinesiologist/ energetic tester, I knew I could use my clinical and intuitive skills to both enhance and customize Connor's protocol specific to his needs.
I also knew that this would be part of my contribution to the Ds community- providing this unique experience and perspective to helping other people with T21.
Dr. Elizabeth Hesse DC
Dr. Elizabeth Hesse DC is a Chiropractor who believes very strongly in the philosophy of Vitalism. This philosophy teaches that the body is a dynamic, self healing organism with an God given intelligence. She has the exceptional ability to learn and integrate the newest leading healing techniques into her foundation of classic wholistic and vitalistic healing. Her scientific approach in combination with her intuitive heart provide her with the unique capability to be an innovator in the various fields of kinesiology, chiropractic and light therapy, and now TNI. She is currently developing a new kinesiology technique which combines the best of several energy medicine specialties. She is extensively trained in a variety of healing modalities including Applied Kinesiology and Autonomic Response Testing, Quantum Neurology Rehabilitation, Clinical Nutrition, Methylation, Energetic healing modalities and much more. She utilizes the teachings of Drs. Dietrich Klinghardt, John Brimhall, W. Lee Cowden, George Gonzalez and Louisa Williams. She has been in practice since 2000, where she specializes in the care of complex disorders including chronic immune dysfunction syndromes, autism, and Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). She was a past member of the Down Syndrome Scientific Advisory Committee. She consults with people all over the world via her office in Woodinville, WA.